
To attend the QTNA 2019 conference, you need to (1) complete the conference registration form and (2) perform the conference fee payment, as specified below. In case you need an invitation letter, please contact the local organiser at

The conference fees are as follows:

  • Regular registration: 400 EUR
  • Accompanying person: 100 EUR

Each conference participant needs to take a regular registration. The regular registration fee covers the participation in the scientific program of the conference, coffee breaks, lunches and the social event with conference dinner. A conference participant that wants to bring his/her partner as an accompanying person to the social event with conference dinner additionally needs to take an accompanying person registration. The fee for accompanying persons only covers participation in the social event with conference dinner, and does not allow participation in other conference activities.

Step 1: Registration form

Complete the following form: QTNA 2019’s registration form and submit the form to the following e-mail address: mentioning in the subject field: QTNA 2019 registration + your name. For those with an accepted paper, your submission number is your paper ID in the Easychair system.

Conference registration deadline: July 9, 2019

Step 2: Registration fee payment

After your completed registration form has been processed, you will receive an e-mail from UGent Payment with subject “Payment registration fee QTNA 2019”, containing a link that will allow you to perform the payment of the appropriate registration fee online in a safe way (using the Ingenico payment service).

QTNA 2019
Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications